Create and manage calendars

To get a better understanding of process performance, it’s important to test the process under all possible conditions. One way to do this is using calendars.

In real life, the time it takes to complete a process can depend on when it takes place and what resources are available. Weekends, breaks, holidays and shifts can all impact the time it takes to complete a process, requiring the allocation of more or fewer resources which in turn can affect costs and the total time it takes to complete the process.

Calendars can help you to predict how a process performs at different times and adjust resources accordingly to keep costs and cycle times under control.

Create a calendar

  1. In the toolbar, click .

  2. In the Definitions pane that opens, click .

  3. Select the calendar you created.

  4. In the dialog box that opens, give the calendar a name and set the calendar start and end date, and time.

Edit a calendar

  1. In the toolbar, click .

  2. Select the calendar you want to edit.

  3. In the dialog box that opens, make your edits.

Delete a calendar

When you delete a calendar, you also delete the simulation parameters that are associated with it. Once you delete a calendar it can’t be undone.

  1. In the toolbar, click .

  2. Click next to the calendar you want to delete.

  3. In the dialog box that opens, click Delete to confirm.

Associate a calendar with a parameter

You associate a calendar to a parameter by adding a value to the calendar.

  1. Select an element in the process.

  2. In Parameters pane that opens, click and select a calendar from the list.

    A new parameter appears in the pane.

  3. Select the parameter to edit the value for that calendar.